Monday, November 15, 2010

Irrational Fears

Amy heard back from the doctor today: decaf tea is ok, continuing w/her Miralax is ok, yoga is ok, lifting weights... NOT ok.

Amy's progesterone shot is tomorrow night. She's worried since the last one is STILL hurting! We didn't do anything different, so not sure why it hurts so much. Please pray for NO PAIN!!!

Amy's also been experiencing some irrational fears. Today, a new family started in the daycare. They have a 2 year old girl and a 2 month old boy. I (Amy) forgot how hard things are with a baby! It makes me worry... am I going to be able to do it with Izzy AND another one?!

Then Izzy and I (Amy) had a date night. We had so much fun and I just kept snuggling with my baby girl (who's almost 4!) It made me sad, thinking it wasn't just going to be us anymore; wondering if we ruined a good thing w/just the 3 of us; and worrying about whether I could possibly love another child the way I do my Izzy. Brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it (damn hormones!)

Am I insane or are these irrational fears NORMAL???


  1. Amy, I have the same fears and sometimes I wonder if that is why we have lost babies. Either I won't be able to handle a newborn and a toddler or maybe Bode needs my full love and attention in order to flourish in this world. Irrational, Yes. Totally normal to think, Yes!

  2. Amy, you are so normal. I remember Crying the night Camille came home from the hospital because I felt like Christian was lonely. I mean he had our attention for 3 years, he was the center of our life. I had the same fears as you. When this little one comes along you will find that your heart has more than enough love for the precious little one. And, Izzy will thank you for giving her the wonderful gift of a sibling.
    ~Amanda C

  3. These fears are completely rational. I remember crying often because Lily wasn't going to be an only child anymore. I thought how unfair I was being to her and I felt selfish and guilty. It had only been her for four years. How could I love another child as much as my baby girl? I cried about these things the night I went into labor and said bye to her when grandma picked her up. But the second Michael came into this world, I knew none of those crazy fears mattered anymore. I loved him instantly! I think as long as you do special mommy/daughter stuff before and after baby is born, things will go smoothly! She may be jealous and not want anything to do with the baby but it will change! If your hospital has a big brother/sister class, bring her to it! The one we went to really helped me and gave me lots of insight. If you have any questions please feel free to fb message me as we are going through the new sibling change right now! God Bless you and your little nugget : )
